Saturday, September 22, 2007

Thematic roles introduction

As I promised you a couple of days ago - here's the explanation of the graph transforming on thematic roles and how we plan to reason on this models.

Thematic roles - also known as theta-roles - are best described in the following two articles here and here. I do not want to go too deep into explaining that, since the articles are quite voluminous.
If your capable of understanding German, you might even get a more detailed, easier to understand and better covered, please see here and here.

I will add an example of how text is annotated latest on Monday and how this looks like in an easy example.

Other than that, I've been struggling with TeX quite a bit summing up the knowledge of about 55 articles which might be of use for the "state of the art/related work" part of the dissertation.

Well, I'll be back on Monday with the news I promised you. Have a safe weekend.

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