Monday, September 10, 2007

Finally back from my trip to Australia/USA

I am finally back from my 7 week trip which led me all the way up and down the Australian east coast and the outback. After another 9 day stopover in California, I eventually arrived back here in "kind-a-cold" but good old Germany.
This week I will try to get myself back up to speed with what I've been dealing before I left 2 months ago.
So far I need to have another look at Natural Language Interpretations and Representations from other colleagues from around the world. Some medical informatics guys already achieved quite a lot when dealing with natural language reports on patients (see here, here and here).

I also have to meet up with my friend and co-worker Tom to get our target aligned again. This will include involving, teaching and mentoring some graduate students which want to support us in our work. Well, I'll give you an update as soon as I know more.

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