Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Paper 2 in pre-alpha state

Discussed the paper content with Torben today (he writes his master thesis).
We did some polishing on the existing chapters and divided the work for the following chapters.
So far, I would dare to say the paper is 60% done. Give it another week and we should have a nice alpha version up next Sunday.
After that we need to pass the Walter F. Tichy (head of our research chair) quality-gate and probably run another revision of the paper (this would be the beta version).
After that, we let it simmer for another 5 days and do a last check and changes. This leads to the gamma version which we will then submit to the conference.

So far we're good on the schedule ... let's stay focused so we can keep the timeline.

Happy Easter to everybody and cya next week.

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