Saturday, March 1, 2008

Orchestration of Concepts

The paper we need to get ready is finally out of its initial stages.
We addressed the related work and most importantly the reasoning part so far. Latter of which still has to be written down for the paper in TeX, but that should not take longer than a day.
I have focused on dealing with RCyc in the last 4 days and have to say that I personally think I am pretty savvy with the system(s) now.
The only thing I haven't gotten up and working so far is the newest Cyc-Version (KB 7130, that is) which still throws numerous exceptions when using it. I assume there's something wrong with the Cyc-World (Ontology).

Next steps are to list the results and progress in a table which should then be sufficiently described for the paper. At the moment we plan submitting the paper on march, 12th. That's still some time to go and I think we can make the deadline.

As of now, I just found out that the ICSC conference extended its submission deadline to march, 16th. So we might even want to chose which conference to deliver the paper to. We'll see.

Just to show you how the information gathering during the model creation process works, here two illustrations that should explain it.

The text (text.txt) is annotated manually. The annotated text (now is then automatically transformed to a GrGen Graph-Rewriting Script (text.grs).
Having provided the Graph-Model for the specific domain - in our example UML - and using the GrShell to create the initial graph.
To give you a glimpse of what this looks like, check out the next picture which shows exemplary data in the various files.

And that's it for now. I'll come back to this later. I'll explain the whole orchestration in more detail once we have the paper for the conference.

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