Wednesday, September 26, 2007

ResearchCyc as the ontology of choice

Hi folks,

first of all, I have to say that I won my battle against TeX. The initial setup for the dissertation with which I will start annotating the papers is done.
I wrote short summaries of all papers and marked which parts of the articles I would like to mention to motivate my goals.

Next week we're gonna sit down with a student working on the concept of annotating theta-roles to textual specifications. This is going to be extremely interesting since we do not quite know what to expect.
Many concepts just take place in a human's brain while reading text, but when one actually has to mark the words with the right roles which apply in the given context... well, that seems to be something different and quite strenuous. Let's see what insight we gain during this test. This will most likely affect the direction in which the research in our area will head in the next couple of weeks/months.

Additional to all that, I jumped back on the (Research-)Cyc Ontology for reasoning purposes. It might already help while annotating text. But it could also be very helpful on the transformation side, when the sentence has already being parsed into a graph. Well, I guess we'll find out.

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