Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Working on Research Project Grants

We are currently planning and structuring our research for the next couple of years.
This will then be transformed into a research application at the DFG.

The structure and contents of the application are all set - now we are in the process of writing the application since we plan on expanding the research area by mid of next year.

This week, we'll finish the "Goal and Contributionts" section as well as the "Preliminary Results".
Next week should be the rest of "Related Work" and then we should be almost good to go.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Made the Switch to KIT

I finally made the switch to me@kit.edu.
That means sven.koerner@ ...

It took quite a while and somehow I had to mess with the whole administration to get it done.
The problem seems to have been that I am still a student (PhD student, to be precise) at university whereas I am also an employee of the university. Well, at least I have employee's rights.
Anyhow - the two accounts seem to be inherently distinct and this caused a lot of problems when I tried to get my paperwork straight.
That said, my quest for the kit.edu program is over. I made it and it took only 8 months (yes, it started in February with applying for the correct email address).

The University of Karlsruhe merged with other technology research projects in the area to form the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - short: KIT (yes, the similar sounding to MIT is intended). More information to be found at www.kit.edu